Seven years ago, on April 24, the Rana Plaza factory complex collapsed in Bangladesh. The collapse is regarded as the biggest accident in the international textile industry to date, costing several thousand lives. While the collapse sparked an international debate about the abuses in the textile industry, countless people continue to suffer from inhumane working conditions in the textile industry today.


Above all, the textile industry is characterized by the fact that the majority of production facilities are predominantly located in the Global South, where mostly Women of Color work under unacceptable working conditions while being paid below subsistence wages.


Fashion Revolution


Last week was Fashion Revolution Week. A week that should remind above all of the collapse of the factory building Rana Plaza in Bangladesh on 24.4.2013. The Fashion Revolution Week stands for more solidarity, for the people behind our clothes, our shoes, our accessories and our jewelry. It was a week that made us rethink and at the same time encouraged us to question our consumption habits by asking ourself ,,Who Made My Clothes?”


Let’s not look away from the issue, instead let’s educate ourselves, question our fashion consumption, learn from fashion activists and get inspired by great Content Creators in the niche. 


11 BIPOC Slow Fashion Creators


The underrepresentation of Black people in Slow Fashion Movement, is something that has always bothered me since I’ve been dealing with the topic. However, now there are more and more BIPoCs creating new spaces within the niche by guiding you on the path to more conscious-consumerism and sharing daily fashion hacks on how to style Thrifted and Ethical Fashion. Here are eleven of these great Creators that I’d like to introduce to you today:



@needforless ☼


On needforless Hosannah shares her thrifted Fashion Styles and other inspiring accounts within the instagram Thrift Community.


BIPoC Slow Fashion Creators




@nextwearer ☼


At nextwearer you’ll find Sustainable Fits, Books and Political Content, too.


BIPoC Slow Fashion Creators




@mspaulapresents ☼


On mspaulapresents Paula blogs about Intentional Living, Slow Fashion, Vintage and Thrift. 



BIPoC Slow Fashion Creators




@earthtomiah ☼


Miah shares on her account tips for a Low Waste and Slow Living journey. Here you can find inspiring content about Conscious Fashion, Lifestyle and Eco-Travel tips.



BIPoC Slow Fashion Creators




@artifactx ☼


Candice is an antique & vintage collector. On her account she shares curated vintage outfits hat will make you want to live in the past again.






@pumloknguyen ☼


Pumulo is a Sustainable Fashion enthusiast, proudly plant and dog mamma. On her account you can find many Ethical Fashion looks and content about Green-Ethical Living. 


BIPoC Slow Fashion Creators




@phoenomenal_com ☼


Phoenomenal_com is all about Sustainability and Phoebe’s curated Closet. You’ll also find many informative posts concerning climate change and tips on how to live an eco friendly lifestyle.


BIPoC Slow Fashion Creators




@sophievssophie ☼


Sophie is a digital Creator and shares content about Plus Size Slow Fashion. You can also rent her wardrobe. 





@senaafi ☼


On seenaafi Sena shares her Slow and Ethical Styles. As a plant mama, she also shares interior inspirations. I love the neutral color palette that she uses in her feed and looks.


BIPoC Slow Fashion Creators






On stylend.sustain you can explore Ammas Fair Fashion styles and rent her closet, too.


BIPoC Slow Fashion Creators




@jessica.harumi ☼


On Jessica Harumis Account you’ll find many inspiring posts about Sustainable Fashion, Slow Travel and Minimalism. 


BIPoC Slow Fashion Creators






Thank you for Reading!





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