Transit Rituals for Colder Seasons
A time of balance has come to the northern hemisphere with the Autumn Equinox. The day become equal to the light and causes a period of equilibrium in our living world. Hello Autumn...
A time of balance has come to the northern hemisphere with the Autumn Equinox. The day become equal to the light and causes a period of equilibrium in our living world. Hello Autumn...
A genderless, plant-based, sustainable, and cruelty free cosmetic brand and why softness is important to us as Black people...
Advertisement | This post is a paid cooperation with i+m Naturkosmetik Berlin. Summer is just around the corner. Days are getting warmer, the sun is shining more, it’s just the best time of the year to spend time outside and replenish some Vitamin D before cold days come again. ...
Seven years ago, on April 24, the Rana Plaza factory complex collapsed in Bangladesh. The collapse is regarded as the biggest accident in the international textile industry to date, costing several thousand lives. While the collapse sparked an international debate about the abuses in the textile industry, countless people...
My hair structure is characterized as type 4C. This hair type is mostly known as kinky or coily. In 2013, I decided to stop chemically straightening my hair due to permanent damage on my hair and scalp. Since then, I have become more conscious of how I use my...