Today you will get to know Jennifer. A resilient, playful and courageous Women. Rocking her own way in a slower path. She’s the founder of cupucopo, DJ and one of the most creative soul I’ve met so far this year!


Get a cup of tea and enjoy our conversation, that I call 〰️ the Slow Interview 



What does Slow living means to you? And why is it important for you?


Slow living means taking the time for the daily little things and paying attention on how we do it.


How do we wake up? How do we prepare our meals?


I’m learning to be more consistent with my routines. Some days I’m good at it and some days I’m not.


But there is beauty in knowing that you can always start over again. I make sure that I take time for myself for some deep breaths in the morning and home cooked meals. Whether I feel nourished and have my cup filled or whether I feel unfulfilled and imbalanced.


I think we all want to feel good as we also tend to be kind to people.


Do you have a book, that guides or inspires you to live like this?


No I don’t really have a book. It depends on the topics I’m focusing on. At that moment I just google them to find information and inspo.


The Slow Interview with Jennifer

You make pottery and started cupucopo, a shop where we can buy your handmade clay pieces.


Tell us a little more about it. When did you started cupucopo?


I started last year in lockdown. I felt a deep persistent desire to work with my hands.


I remember my younger self, back in Maputo’s sandy streets playing with sand and making cakes out of it. Our street was not asphalted and we had three different colours of sand around us. (laughing)


What was your motivation? What makes it so special for you to do pottery? 


Doing pottery is special for me because it’s just me creating another reality for myself. It’s me experiencing joy and sharing it with people. It’s me tuning into a practice that takes me into a grateful and light mental space.


Growing up, I didn’t have role models who showed me how much you can find outside. The women around me, including my mother, aunts and grandmother, literally just watched tv after work for entertainment and self-care.


There was a lack of ressources and mental capacity…


Notes on breaking the cycle: When I practice daily self-care I think of my grandmother and my mother who didn’t have the privileges & resources I have now. So when I do the healing work I think of them and that I’m doing it for them too.


 The Slow Interview with Jennifer

You told me someday that doing pottery is a way for you to slow down. Where is the connection?


This practice teaches me patience and doing things with dedication – just a second of not being on the wheel with my thoughts deforms the shape I was creating.


In other words, I had to let go of that clay. I noticed how much it forces me to be in the present moment with my senses, aware of my body and my surrounding.


It’s a magical feeling, It’s where I feel most relaxed and connected with myself.


And I think that doing things with full dedication does affect the outcome.


For what does the name cupucopo stands for?


Cup for cup (laughing) and copo means cup in portuguese. It’s my mother tongue. I just made a word out of these two and I liked the outcome.


The Slow Interview with Jennifer


As we know you’re also Dj! In which genre would you classify your mixes and what can we expect next? 


Yes Yes Yes and I just got a monthly radio show on radio80k. My mixes are FUBU. I would love to connect with other music enthusiast!


Stay updated at @rusticmuzu and go check my genres on my soundcloud: MUZU.


As a multi-creative person: When are you are the most creative?


I feel the most creative when I’m in tune with myself and when my intentions are pure.


Where can we see more of you?


At Instagram:  @cupucopo   @rusticmuzu

And Soundcloud:  MUZU



Thank You Jennifer!





If you liked this conversation and felt inspired by it, don’t forget to check out Jennifers channels and leave her some love. Subscribe to my newsletter, if you don’t want to miss more posts like this in the near future! Otherwise, you can also connect with me on my social media channels









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